MOVECO - Circular economy platform and virtual market place


Platform with 500 users

In the course of MOVECO, an online platform will be created by the Serbian project partner, Institute “Mihailo Pupin” and hosted by MOVECO Lead Partner, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. The platform targets 500 users until project end will present information and organize data according to different needs of various stakeholder groups on

  • Efficiency of extended producer responsibility schemes
  • Product requirements and costs in different countries
  • Extended producer responsibility obligation and their costs and other requirements
  • Research and development mapping and promotion of their services

MOVECO Platform

The platform will include an automatic translation tool in order to facilitate cooperation among stakeholders from different regions and countries. In this way, profiles of research and development organisations will be hosted. Easy access and use will ensure a user-friendly platform.

Interreg MOVECO platform and virtual market place

Virtual market place for 200 users

Besides, a virtual market place will be developed, which aims at improving waste streams and support eco-innovation by providing transparent and standardized information. At the same time, the market place aims at being a match-making platform, offering secondary waste materials, by-products, innovation, technology and consultancy services.

The market place is going to provide additional information on specific legal requirements or business practices to waste shipment and recovery. Plus, users can create profiles on the virtual market place.

Interreg MOVECO R&D Virtual Marketplace


For more information on MOVECO, please visit our website or follow us on social media.

   Twitter: @MOVECO_Interreg

   Facebook: @Moveco.Danube

(Photo credits: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)