We've released the first call project factsheets


We've released the first call project factsheets, providing essential information about each project in a concise one-page document. Take a look to gain insights into the projects' backgrounds, objectives, and anticipated outcomes. Find it here

The first call projects were approved on October 18-19, 2023. 

Out of the 60 approved projects, 20 address topics address Priority 1 of the Programme (A smarter Danube Region), 20 under Priority 2 (A greener, low-carbon Danube Region), 15 under Priority 3 (A more social Danube Region) and 5 under Priority 4 (A better cooperation governance of the Danube Region).

Altogether, 830 institutions are involved - Hungary with 96 institutions, Slovenia with 87 and Romania with 83 institutions are the countries of origin with the highest number of partner institutions. The countries gathering most partners leading the projects are Slovenia with 16 partners, Hungary with 13 and Austria with 7 partners.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)