D-CARE - The Smart Care Pilots are coming to an end - the future of care is here


We are proud to see all of our smart care pilots evolving so successfully and would like to share with you what promising results came out of them. The solutions validated and refined are apt to supporting care givers in their tasks, connecting older adults to their social networks, transferring digital capacities and much more.

Our lead partner in Romania, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hațieganu", Cluj-Napoca, is successfully testing a smartcare emergency device in several older adult care homes. After a successful experience in Iasi - Romania with the installation and testing of the selected Czech Republic solution from D-Care Innovation Contest, we continue the implementation of the testing in Cluj-Napoca at the FEBE elderly center.
The Chytrá Péče s.r.o. device is an emergency device that helps older adults to quickly report their emergency using a smartwatch and alert medical staff that they need assistance.
The scenario of testing - Medical emergency services – encompasses real time alert services for medical emergencies, prediction of future potential emergencies based on daily monitoring parameters described under primary integrated care services, and for example bio-mechanical analytics for walking, balance.
The Objective of the testing is to upgrade care emergency protocols by improving speed, accessibility, risk reaction and customized for elders 65+ in home or in the FEBE elderly centrum environment. We are looking forward to the evaluation of the overall performance of this promising smart care solution.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)