Danube Hazard m3c - Upgraded version of the Solutions model


The Danube Hazardous Substances Model (DHSM) for transnational modelling of HS emissions in the Danube River Basin is now available as an open source tool, which can be downloaded from: https://doi.org/10.48436/1yam1-e0y86. It constitutes the upgraded version of the Solutions model.

The DHSM model was implemented within the Danube Hazard m3c project. It has been set up on the basis of the generic Delft3D open-source modelling framework, the central version of which is maintained by Deltares. The use of this framework is supported by a dedicated portal to download source code and manuals. The use of this framework is supported by a dedicated portal to download source code and manuals, to exchange experiences and to ask questions (https://oss.deltares.nl/web/delft3d).

A file package, containing several folders, accompanies the model:
DHSM: the generic software plus all input files that together form the implementation of DHSM to the DRB.
Scenarios: alternative sets of input data for the P25, best estimate (P50) and P75 emission estimates, and for the scenarios S01-S07.
Supportive materials: some supportive files for presentation of the results.
   - The general principles and operation of the DELWAQ framework used for the DHSM are documented in a User Manual  
   - The input file format is documented in a separate manual: (https://content.oss.deltares.nl/delft3d4/D-Water_Quality_Input_File_Description.pdf)
   - The mass balances output is documented in a separate manual, included in the package.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)