D-CareLabs - D-Care Labs on the joint learnings of the D-Care Lab Community of Practice


The work of the D-Care Labs project ended in December 2022, and the work of the last 2 years culminated in a variety of publications that we are happy to present to the wider public.

One of the work packages of the project that produced a series of publications is the work package  Transnational Lab of the Lab,  led by the University of Heidelberg which provided the development and incubation support for 9 regional D-Care Labs. In the last 2.5 years, the partnership has established an interregional community of practitioners to facilitate transnational learning processes and knowledge creation in the field of home care innovation.

With a series of transnational lab workshops, the University of Heidelberg helped facilitate the incubation of the regional labs through a hypothesis-based, experimental and iterative learning process.

The central objective of the work was the sustainable development of nine regional innovation labs, with the transnational lab functioning as an incubator providing the knowledge base and expertise of the project partners in the field of social innovation but also the transfer of knowledge between partners. Knowledge transfer and multiperspectivity can be highlighted as fundamental resources for the implementation of the nine regional D-Care Labs as a combination of organizations with different backgrounds, diverse perspectives, country-specific welfare and care systems and different demographic developments led to one of the most important findings of the Transnational Lab of the Lab: regional D-Care Labs need to consider their respective ecosystem.


To read more about the approach and learnings of the Transnational Lab, read the publication here



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)