DANUrB+ - Implemented the “Sustainable Entrepreneurship along the Danube” School Program in Vidin, Bulgaria


As it is always emphasized, the DANUrB+ school programs are related to one of the main pillars of the project - Education. They aim to raise awareness and promote cross-cultural and local heritage values, possibilities, and the potentials of authentic lifestyles and produces to give prosperity options for future generations.

On 21 December 2022, "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov” High School in Vidin implemented the 2nd stage of the “Sustainable Entrepreneurship along the Danube” School Program developed by the DANUrB+ WPC Lead Partner, National Tourism Cluster “Bulgarian Guide” (NTC BG Guide). Students were divided into 5 teams and worked on generating business ideas based on the CANVAS business model, considering the local resources and assets of the district of Vidin, and of course, the potential of the Danube River.

Subject to natural or cultural heritage resources, or the power of the river, the students came up with ideas promoting the use of traditional local arts or professions: The creation of a Danube fish farm with sitting benches in the nearby area; an Aquapark near emblematic cultural sites; Herbal tea company (with local herbs), etc. All these generated ideas contribute to the promotion of local values and identity. They have the potential to give prosperity options to young people in the region of Vidin, increasing their chances to develop their own companies as young entrepreneurs.

The school program was dedicated to both, teachers (stage 1, 21 December 2021) and high school students (stage 2, 21 December 2022), interested in cultural and creative industries, tourism opportunities, crafts, and traditions, development of businesses, etc. to gain a better understanding and evaluation of the local assets and resources, challenges, and opportunities, being able to generate business ideas, applicable to boost the economy in their region/s. The DANUrB+ school program is capitalizing the achievements of the transnational project TRANS-EDU-NET, led by NTC BG Guide.

Let’s hope we will see some of these inspiring business ideas realized in the near future!


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)