SaveGREEN - Training event on environmental impact assessment during transport infrastructure construction in Ukraine


SaveGREEN project's experts in Ukraine organized a training event for stakeholders on "Peculiarities of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) during the planning of transport infrastructure construction and potential environmental risks analysis under the condition of a limited procedure of EIA in the post-war period" was held online. During the event, project experts Svitlana Matus, Anatoly Pavelko, and Halyna Levina spoke on the project's goals and also considered the main topical issues, in particular:

Conducting a legal analysis of the EIA procedure,

  1. The environmental risks in the restoration of roads in the conditions of the limited EIA procedure,
  2. The practical experience of conducting EIA during the design of the northern bypass road of Lviv city (Ukraine),
  3. Main changes to Ukraine's legislation (Law "On Environmental Impact Assessment", "On Animal World") after the introduction of martial law.

Project experts developed a standardized methodology for monitoring structural and functional connections and the functionality of ecological corridors along linear transport infrastructure monitoring tool. This tool was implemented within seven pilot territories, including PA in Zakarpattia Oblast," - Taras Yamelynets, the project coordinator in Ukraine, said to the participants.

Presentation during the event by Anatoly Pavelko

He also added that project cooperation involved relevant stakeholders of specific pilot areas. Cross-sectoral operational plans for protecting the functionality of ecological corridors were developed within the project's framework and discussed during round tables and seminars. They are already at the implementation stage.

"A lot has been developed at the national level, for example, the recommendations for integrating measures for the settlement of the ecological corridors issue through the strengthening of inter-sectoral cooperation. We are promoting the project results in the Danube basin and beyond and building potential at the national level,"
- added Taras Yamelinets.

Representatives of the scientific community, transport infrastructure construction experts, environmentalists, and students of technical specialities took part in the training. According to the meeting results, the participants received informational materials from experts on the SaveGREEN project.

Suzanna Tymochko, Communication Officer, UA Expert Team


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)