CINEMA - Latest Project Newsletter


The CINEMA project is coming to an end and we are very sad to see it go! In the last 2.5 years we experienced a lot and also achieved a lot: a strong partnership which will certainly keep in touch in the future and pursue further funding projects together, many creative ideas, tools and concepts aiming to revive our city centers with the help of creative industries, many outputs in form of e.g. an online toolbox, policy briefs, videos, guidelines and roadmaps, etc., and many new contacts in municipalities and governmental organisations which will contribute to make our project results sustainable. In our sixth and last newsletter we want to give you the latest updates on what we have been doing the last weeks. Also, we would like to thank our partners, stakeholders and colleagues for your support, your interest and your contributions in the last years!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)