WACOM - 2nd and 3rd national workshop in Serbia


Within the Interreg Danube project “WACOM - Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin” the 2nd and 3rd 14th National workshop for the stakeholders in RS was held in Belgrade (RS) in hybrid form.

The Workshop started on December 5, 2022.

More than 40 participants gathered at the event. The participants were from Institute Siniša Stanković, Beograd’s water and sanitation enterprise, PI Srbijavode, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water management, Republic directorate for water, Ministry for Environmental Protection, Republic Geodetical Administration and Republic Hydrometeorological Administration.

At the workshop, the results of the simulation tabletop exercises held in May 2022 in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented. In these exercises, modern tools were tested that enable a better exchange of information between institutions responsible for effective action in the event of floods and disasters that result in water pollution. The workshop participants also discussed on a series of measures and strategies to improve response and cooperation in the event of disasters, especially those of a cross-border nature.

The article on the nationla workshop was published in the newspaper Politika.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)