CrowdStream - February 9-10, 2017 – Internal Kick-off meeting


CrowdStream project started on December 1, 2016. Its main objective is to improve the effectiveness of public/private business support for innovative spin-offs and social enterprises to access qualitative alternative financing (crowdfunding).

A first meeting of all project partners was organised as an internal kick-off event on February 9-10, 2017 in Vienna by the Lead Partner (Agency for European Integration and Economic Development/AEI). On the first day, project partners were introduced and AEI made an overview over the partner roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, project partners leading administrative and thematic packages presented upcoming activities outcomes.

On the second day, project members were occupied with the constitution of CrowdStream’s decision-making body (the Steering Committee) and with planning the next steps for the implementation of the project. The Committee decided that the next project meeting will take place in the beginning of July in Hungary.

The project partners dedicated time to look at potential and challenges for Crowdfunding in the Danube region and discuss the situation of the alternative finance sector in the different parts of the project region (see attached CrowdStream_Kick-off_CPU_Crowdfunding_FINAL_website.pdf).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)