DANUrB+ - Stakeholders’ Meetings and Festive Days in Tulcea Municipality


Between 14 and 15 November 2022, the new project partner team from INCD URBAN-INCERC made a 2-day visit to Tulcea Municipality (Tulcea County, Romania). Meetings with decision-makers and stakeholders at a local level were organized to showcase the DANUrB+ achievements and future plans/extension, but mainly to discuss the importance of the initiative for the localities – especially for those along the Danube – promoting and capitalizing the cultural attractions and cultural heritage objectives.

A beneficial interest was shown by the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning at the Tulcea County Council. DANUrB+ was presented to the Chief Architect of the County, explaining its importance for regional development. The approach of this decision-maker was necessary because soon, it will be possible to organize working meetings and sessions at the County Council, attended by the county mayors and stakeholders along the Danube.

Another stakeholder that was approached and impressed by the achievements and goals of the initiative was ICEM Tulcea - "Gavrilă Simion" Tulcea Eco-Museum Research Institute. It is an institution subordinated to the Tulcea County Council and which subordinates the Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art, the Museum of History and Archaeology, the Museum of Art, the Avramide House - House of Collections, the "Danube Delta" Ecotourism Museum Center, and 11 other museum sites in the county. ICEM Tulcea agreed to participate in the continuation of the project as a partner. Following the discussions held with the head of the Northern-Dobrogean Heritage Museum Complex Service, it was concluded that the DANUrB+ would represent a meaningful way to extend the protection and valorization of the natural and cultural heritage of Northern Dobrogea from a scientific, educational, and tourist point of view.

Also, at the Tulcea County Council, discussions took place at the Department for Accessing European Funds. The department is involved more specifically in big infrastructure projects at a county level and less in projects such as those financed by the Danube Transnational Program. In this regard, it was a pleasant surprise to show interest in participating in the initiative, even without being a partner. Thus, it expressed willingness to present the results of its projects carried out with European Funds, so far, as an example of good practice, specifically since they have already been implemented and the outcomes are complete satisfaction.

During the discussions, two partners from Ukraine were identified to work with the DANUrB+ project team in the case of the Tulcea-Chilia Micro-Region.

The period of the visit was not chosen by accident because 14 November is "Dobrogea Day", a significant historic day for the inhabitants of Dobrogea. This year marked 144 years since the return of Dobrogea to the motherland (1878-2022). A series of festive events were organized at the Tulcea's Central Square, ICEM Tulcea (the awarding ceremony of the second edition of the "Constantin Găvenea" Biennale of Graphics National Exhibition-Competition took place), Casa Avramide (Avramide House, where one of the most well-known and appreciated Romanian architects, Augustin Ioan, received the distinction of Honorary Citizen of the Tulcea Municipality, being proposed by the Union of Romanian Architects to become a member of the Romanian Academy), and so on.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)