WACOM - Final Conference, November 15, 2022


On November 15, 2022, the Final Conference of the project WACOM was held in Sarajevo (BA). On the conference more than 100 participants from national/entities and local authorities, infrastructure companies, enterprises, and research institutions gathered in vivo or via web. The event was greeted by Mr. Damijan Sedar, the ambassador of Slovenia in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Milan Novitović, director of Civil protection administration of the Republic of Srpska, Ms. Duška Kunštek, chair of the International Sava Rive Basin Commission and Mr. Primož Banovec, University of Ljubljana, manager of the WACOM project.

After the welcome speeches the video was presented which stressed the importance of the transboundary cooperation in the case of floods and accidental pollution (The video is available here). In addition, the Framework Agreement for the Sava River Basin and related protocols were presented as a legal background for the implementation of the international project such as WACOM.

After the initial presentations the respective project partners presented the achievements of the project related to development of the WACOM tools, application of the tabletop exercises for simulation of the transboundary incidents and development of the strategies for coordinated preparedness and emergency response. The view of the youth was presented by the representative of the Sava Youth Parliament.

In the second part of the final conference the participants at the roundtable from water, accidental pollution, and flood management and from civil protection discussed on their experiences related to cross-border or transboundary cooperation during flood events and/or transboundary accidental water pollution. They agreed that the WACOM had addressed and provided some solutions to most outstanding challenges and defining some strategic guidance, but they should be implemented in practice in the future.

At the end of the final conference the Lead project partner presented the Sava FAP (Flood and accidental Pollution) Declaration which showed the intention that the signatories parties would support the results of the WACOM project and improved the cooperation in this regard. The Declaration has been already signed by some of the project partners and it is expected to be signed by others in near future.

The Final conference of the WACOM project was followed by following media: Živince.ba, Frontal.ba, Bljesak.info, Srpska.info, on twitter of FrontalPortal and on Federalna TV (Federacija danas at 30,40 min).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)