DANUrB+ - Part of the Conference on Heritage Innovation Technology


Another conference on innovation and digitalization for the future that the DANUrB+ Project participated in. 

On November 9 DANUrB+ Project Leader, Bálint Kádár, PhD Arch, from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Urban Planning and Design (BME Urbanisztika Tanszék) presented the initiative on international level during the “Conference on Heritage Innovation Technology”, under the EUSDR (Danube Region Strategy) Priority Area 3 - Culture, Tourism and People to People Contacts.

The Danube region is typical with its rich heritage of dense and diverse histories, cultures, ethnicities, religions, markets, societies and states. Nevertheless, in terms of history and culture, people living along the whole area have a common heritage. In this case, EUSDR Priority Area 3 - Culture, Tourism and People to People Contacts uses these ties as levers to develop and help further cooperation and collaboration between various stakeholders as well as for encouraging joint projects and tourism products.

The conference aimed to convey the message that innovation and digitalization could be key tools to promote cultural heritage and a way to make it accessible in an open information space. In addition, innovation and digitalization can also enhance the valorization of less visible cultural heritage, including through sustainable tourism approaches. The topic about involving stakeholders, tangible and intangible heritage (tourist sites), and locals by digital platforms, thanks to the ever-evolving DANUrB Platform, was just the perfect example and given as good practice.

The event was held in Timisoara (Romania), which will officially launch its tenure as a European Capital of Culture in 2023. It will hold the title next year alongside Elefsina (Greece) and Veszprém (Hungary).


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)