
Action plan for RANN in the Danube Region

Roundtable organized by the Museum of Applied Arts Budapest

Venue: Ráth György Villa, Budapest


The promotion of Art Nouveau among the general public and the more active involvement of art lovers in the countries of the Danube region were also discussed at the recent round table of the Réseau Art Nouveau Network (RANN) at the Ráth György Villa. The speakers invited to the event included representatives from tourism, cultural heritage, museology, the civil sector and RANN.


The participants of the round table discussion were Szilvia Ács, Managing Director of Szeged and its Region Tourism Nonprofit Ltd., Dr. Eszter Csonka-Takács, Director of the Intellectual Cultural Heritage Directorate of the Open-Air Ethnographic Museum, Imre Bálint, representing the Art Nouveau Magazine, Eszter Baldavári, art historian and museologist at the Hungarian Architectural Museum - Documentation Centre for Monument Protection, and Dr Zsombor Jékely, Vice President of RANN and Deputy Director General of the Collections of the Museum of Applied Arts.

During the event, RANN's main objectives and issues were discussed, as well as activities and initiatives that could increase the organisation's regional visibility and effectiveness.

The round table discussion was moderated by Dr. Julia Katona, Scientific Secretary of the Museum of Applied Arts, who introduced the structure and history of the Réseau Art Nouveau Network and its purpose, the Action Plan for the promotion and integration of RANN in the Danube countries. He explained that events with the same theme and purpose are taking place in six countries in parallel, with alternative solutions being proposed locally - for example, in relation to the promotion and dissemination of the Art Nouveau organisation.


The continuation and strengthening of European scientific cooperation and the development and introduction of externally funded projects were discussed. The restoration of Art Nouveau buildings was a specific local issue, which raised training and funding questions that went well beyond the practical implementation.



Project cofunded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA II). The participation of the Hungarian party is cofunded by the Hungarian Government.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)