
The educational training "Approach and Communication with People with Visual Impairments" was organized within WPT3 on September 27th, 2022, in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The local training was aimed at all professionals, employees and other interested persons at Dubrovnik Airport (LP) and Dubrovnik Port Authority (PP9-LUD), who acknowledge the need to improve their professional and personal knowledge and skills in communication, conduct and approach to visually impaired passengers.

The training was conducted by experts from the Croatian Blind Union with extensive experience and expertise in the field of orientation and mobility of visually impaired people. In order for the participants of the training to more easily connect the theoretical knowledge with real life situations, the visually impaired people presented their own experiences and examples at the training.

The local training consisted of 3 modules that contained the theoretical part and practical assignments for the participants.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)