DANUrB+ - Last Regional Stakeholder Conference in the Middle Danube Region 04-05.11.2022


The last Regional Stakeholder Conference in the Middle Danube Region, under the DANUrB+ Project, was organized in Golubac, Serbia on November 4-5, 2022. Partners and stakeholders from both sides of the border had the possibility to hold discussions on common values and local initiatives along the Iron Gates Region.
This past weekend, the Serbian, Romanian, and Croatian DANUrB+ partners had a meeting and it was a new opportunity for local actors from both banks of the Danube to present themselves, exchange ideas and best practices in the perspective of collaborations and potential joint projects. The term “local actors” is a broad one and refers to NGOs, cultural and educational institutions, local administrations, local producers, or tourism operators. Also, during the conference, the partners of the initiative presented the progress stage and a series of targets reached within it.
The meeting began on Friday with a guided visit to the Golubac Citadel. The conference sessions were moderated both by the partner teams from Euroland Banat and the Golubac Tourist Organization, as well as by those from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade and Timișoara.

Saturday was dedicated to discussions between partners and the discovery of cultural and touristic objectives in the Danube Basins, such as the archaeological site and the Museum of Lepenski Vir, the Visitor Center of the Djerdap National Park, etc.
Like the previous meetings organized by the partners on the Romanian bank of the Danube, the Conference from Golubac is part of a suite of specific activities carried out within the DANUrB+ project.

The DANUrB+ cultural network aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity of local actors interested in effective cooperation at local and interregional level, in order to capitalize on the Danube's heritage. The purpose of this type of event is to bring together local stakeholders that carry out activities in the Danube Basin. These meetings offer the frame to establish contacts which can provide added value to the already existing partnership, for a sustainable development of the area and for international promotion based on common activities on both sides of the river. 
The partners from Euroland Banat Association, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, and Polytechnic University of Timisoara - Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning proposed to the local and international actors the discovery and rediscovery of a common millenary, tangible and intangible heritage that has developed along the river. Moreover, to connect these riches and facilitate these communities along the Danube and beyond, to preserve and sustainably value them for the common good.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)