CINEMA - International Forum "Balti for Creative Industries" in Moldova


Our project partners from Balti/Moldova are organizing the International Forum "Balti for Creative Industries", organized by the Balti City Hall, and taking place on November 18, 2022. The Forum will include an official and a creative part, starting with a plenary session, where guests and local experts, local partners, representatives of the CI sector and, of course, interested young people will be present as participants and guests. During the panel discussions, we will meet and talk to the CI community and discuss a number of interesting topics and issues in this field. In parallel, there will be several workshops in different areas of CI, exhibition of start-ups, and an art exhibition. All events will take place at the Center for Culture and Youth, the Municipal Palace of Culture and the Art Gallery in Balti. A visit to the pilot location of the project, the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer, will be an integral part of the Forum. The Forum will conclude with a number of concerts featuring local artists and guest stars.

The organizers are happy to provide you with further information and help you organize your visit to Balti by email:, local manager Blaj Eleonora.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)