RESTART_4Danube - Invitation to the Project Final Conference


Over the last two and a half years, 25 partners from 12 countries in the Danube region have sought to form international partnerships to develop new types of governance & public policies in an innovative approach combining tandems & follower cities.

Join us on 18th of November 2022 from 9h - 14h CET for the Final Project Conference!

In this occasion, the Restart_4Danube consortium will summarize and present the results, impacts and lessons learned from supporting municipalities, young artists and creative entrepreneurs to form a public-private partnerships to promote SMEs & stimulate creative urban communities in the Danube region.

You can sign up for the Conference here. After registration, you will receive a link to attend over the Zoom Platform.

For more information, please have a look at the Conference Agenda.

We are looking forward to meeting you! 

the RESTART_4Danube consortium



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)