ISTER - Identification of potential Roman roads in Romania continue


The cold weather does not prevent the ISTER project from continuing. In October and November, several "working trips" took place, during which field measurements were made in areas with potential Roman roads, where they were identified. The methods approached were again non-invasive, i.e., drone photography and magnetometer measurements, a handy archaeological tool that identifies anomalies in the earth's magnetic field; more precisely, it identifies traces of constructions and structures.

From ancient sources and older field research in the Alba Iulia area, the drone photos revealed traces of some Roman roads easily visible in ploughing and crops. As seen in the images below, modern roads were built, if not on the same route, at least nearby, proving that the Romans always chose the most feasible route.

In turn, the magnetometric measurements gave impressive results, revealing the Roman road from Turda-Potaissa and a series of structures outside the Bologa fort in an area where the civil settlement probably stretched. The latter is currently being published in a scientific article; keep an eye on the Limes Bulletin!


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)