CD SKILLS - E-TOOLS for celiac patients and health care professionals has been launched


Within CD SKILLS project, two innovative e-learning tools has been implemented, one for health care professionals and one for patients. Implementation of these tools will contribute to reaching the objectives of CD SKILLS project, to improve and harmonize existing celiac disease management practices in the Danube region and to increase patients’ self-management capacities.

The e-learning tools are being built on the existing tools developed within the CE Focus IN CD project and updated based on the new ESPGHAN (European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) celiac disease management guidelines published in 2020 and on the lessons learned from CE Focus IN CD project. It was shown in Focus IN CD project that the knowledge about celiac disease among HCPs and CD patients is not satisfactory and that further awareness-raising and learning activities are needed, in order to improve knowledge and to minimize the number of unrecognized patients and unnecessary diagnostic delays. In addition, patients should be informed better about their disease to reach higher compliance with the gluten-free diet. The use of tools will be promoted through the networks of medical partners, professional societies and patient support organisations and public authorities.

The e-learning tools available in English, German, Slovenian, Hungarian and Croatian language were further updated and versions in new languages of CD SKILLS partners Romanian, Czech and Romanian (MOLD) have been added.

E-tools are available at

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)