CD SKILLS - Moldavian paediatricians visited Maribor


Between 8th and 15th October 2022 paediatricians Nicu Olesea and Olga Tihai from CD SKILLS Moldavian partner “Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova from Kishinev, participated in the training of management of celiac disease in children at Paediatric Gastroenterology Unit of University Medical Canter Maribor.

During the training, various aspects of the management of celiac disease were discussed: diagnostic procedures, optimization of diagnostic strategies, improvement of the knowledge capacities of celiac disease in children.

Training included presentation of the structure and organization of the hospital. Trainees visited all Departments of Paediatrics.

The main interest of the visiting doctors was gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition unit. Together with the entire gastroenterology team led by Professor Jernej Dolinsek, they participated at daily visits of patients hospitalized at the gastroenterology department.

Discussion about patients with celiac disease was the main purpose of the training visit. They assisted in the performance of diagnostic tests (rapid TTG IgA tests, lactose tolerance test) and evaluation of the correctness of the dietary regime. Together with the entire team of specialists, they participated at the endoscopy procedures with biopsy sampling, gastric polyps’ removal, foreign body removal, etc. Training included simulation of endoscopic procedures.

They assisted in the discussion about patients with inflammatory bowel diseases scheduled for biological treatment. During the training they visited also at the allergology department.

System of national electronic health record was presented; organizational challenges were discussed.

The training at the University Medical Center Maribor significantly influenced their medical practice as a specialists in the field of paediatrics in the management of patients with common gastrointestinal disorders.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)