SaveGREEN - Flashbacks: SaveGREEN at the biggest summer events in Slovakia


As Autumn is slowly woven itself into our everyday life, summer seems far away from us, whilst it was really eventful! Mostly due to the pandemic, the project partner team WWF Slovakia postponed the SaveGREEN Infoday until the summer. But, this allowed them to promote the project at the biggest summer events in Slovakia. Let us share our Slovakian team's successful info day, which happened to be at the music festival Pohoda and the European Youth Olympic Festival EYOF 2022. 

The Pohoda Festival took place on July 7-10, 2022 at the airport in TrenĨín, with approximately 30,000 people participating. WWF Slovakia had a stand in the NGO zone, and within the stand, they presented the topics of large carnivores, their migration needs, how SaveGREEN project experts are monitoring the migration routes and what steps we can take together to protect them.

Andrea Hajdukova gave her insights about the event:
"Shortly before the events, there were several stories about encounters between humans and bears published in the media, therefore visitors were particularly interested in how to behave in this situation. We welcome these questions and use them at the same time as an opportunity to explain the topic of fragmentation of the landscape, the reduction of the living space of animals and the intersection of our and animal activities and paths.

The European Youth Olympic Festival EYOF 2022 was held in Banská Bystrica on July 24-30, 2022. The event was attended by 2,300 athletes from 48 countries, together with them, a number of fans came to Banská Bystrica, who concentrated together with home fans in the FanZone, where we had a stand.

We saw the event as an ideal opportunity to present the project in Banská Bystrica, in the centre of Slovakia, in close proximity to our project pilot sites and in the area where people spend a lot of time in nature and come into contact with the topic of living together with animals more often.

At the WWF Slovakia stand, we discussed with the visitors what role the knowledge and protection of their migration routes play in the protection of animals, we talked about the project, about the long-term attention paid to the topic (TRANSGREEN, ConnectGREEN, SaveGREEN) and we also presented giveaways products."

Follow the page for more information about the Slovakian pilot area here
Play with the Slovakian pilot area Twitter challenge here

Follow the DTP site for the exciting last period of the SaveGREEN project, where the 2,5-year project results will be published soon to protect the ecological corridors!
Stay tuned! Save nature, SaveGREEN!

Author and pictures:
Romana Uhrinová

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)