CSSC LAB - CSSC Lab disseminates gained knowledge through webinars


The CSSC Lab capacity building webinars are addressing both staff members from the project partners and invited participants from similar intermediary organisations to build up knowledge and become facilitators and multiplicators for the developed CSSC training programme. The content of these webinars concentrated on the introduction of the CSSC Training Programme and on use of the training materials developed.

The first capacity building webinar for intermediaries was held on 14th of October 2022. Where the main aim was to present the developed CSSC Lab training materials to the main local stakeholders of project partners. At the end of September all training materials and supporting documents have been ready for the start of local trainings. In that way, the 1st webinar was mainly use for promotion, a task for which we engaged also our main stakeholders. At the webinar introduced have been the developed training materials and the Capacity building programme – the approach and the planned types of sessions (Basic and Advanced trainings and City Coachings).

On 28th of September, CSSC Lab held the second Capacity building webinar for intermediaries. The webinar aimed at presenting the audience the main project results and the impact of local training activities. In the first part of the webinar, the main project results have been presented, with the focus on the four CSSC Lab Demo Centers in Zagreb, Stegersbach, Destrnik and Varna. Additionally, the focus of the webinar was the creation of model solutions that have been created within the CSSC Lab project in order to support city actors in the preparation of concrete investment cases. Beside the model solutions presented also the tools that have been created in order to support the assessment of the feasibility of different CSSC solutions in specific local environments. The third part of the webinar was dedicated to the trainings and the results of the capacity building programme. Briefly presented have been the training materials that have been created within the project and the main results of more than 30 carried out local trainings.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)