CD SKILLS - Tampere cross-disciplinary exchange visit


Did you know that 1% of Finish people HAVE a diagnosis of celiac disease? 

They have been taken care of by the healthcare professionals, patients society and the food services company who enable them to be compliant with strict gluten free diet, even when in kindergarten, schools, hospitals or elderly homes. Celiacs have reciprocated with participation at celiac research held in CeliRes, Tampere University Centre, and by supporting the celiac society’s work.

Study visit to Finland, attended by partners’ representatives from INSMC (Romania) and CeliVita (Croatia), was very revealing indeed. Visits to the patients’ society Keliakialiitto, company Pirkanmaan Voimia and Tampere Celiac Research Centre CeliRes, along with real life experience with eating out programme, high level of understanding and knowledge about celiac disease and special dietary needs of celiac patients and the variety of (safe) gluten free food that can be purchased in stores, inspired us to pursue with the efforts in our own countries, in order to improve overall healthcare and quality of life for celiacs.

Project partners presented CD SKILLS project main objectives, activities and achievements.

Thank you Finnish celiac disease society, Voimia and Celiac disease research centre at Tampere University.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)