WACOM - 10th Sava Youth Parliament


The 10th Sava Youth Parliament was held from 13 to 15 October 2022 in Hotel Palace in Belgrade (RS). The slogan of this year parliament was “Let’s manage the emergency events” and was closely connected with the WACOM project.

The schools were selected on basis of the contents for the best multi-media tool presenting how to react in case of accidental pollution or floods. The contest was open from 15 June until 21 September 2022.

More than 40 pupils and professors from the following schools participated the event:

  • Center Ljubljana Food school Ljubljana (SI)- 2 teams,
  • School of Economics, Commerce and Catering, Samobor (HR),
  • Gymnasium Sesvete, Sesvete (HR),
  • Secondary Vocational and Technical School, Gradiška (BA),
  • Mixed Secondary School "Hazim Šabanović", Visoko (BA) and
  • Gymnasium Crnjanski Belgrade (RS).

In addition, one team (2 persons) of youth between 19 and 25 years participated the event as well.

The aim of this year parliament was to increase the awareness of people, especially youth, about the procedures and methods how to response and behave in the case of accidental pollution and floods thereby minimizing the danger to people, property, and nature.

After the welcome addresses by the representatives of ISRBC and Lead Partner of the WACOM project and the presentation of selected works, the visit to the Public Institutions “Srbijavode” was organized where the flood forecasting system was presented. On the second day the young people participated at the table-top exercise when “imaginary” scenario of the accidental pollution because of spilling of diesel oil to the river was demonstrated.

Like every year, the new presidency was elected. It consists of the representatives from all Sava countries with the mandate until next Sava Youth Parliament. The members of the new presidency are Magdalena Živanović - president (RS), Muhamed Pašić (BA), Ema Milić (HR) and Blaž Lipovšek (SI).

The event was co-financed by the WACOM project.

The programme of the Sava Youth parlaiment is available here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)