ARTNOUVEAU2 - IMM Educational film awarded





The György Ráth Villa of the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest received a Special Award
for Museum Education from the National Association of Public Collections with the
programme entitled “Thousand shades of Art Nouveau,” the staff members of which are
Julianna Joó, Dóra Borsai, Melinda Péterfy, and Kata Hadházi. For the first time, the Museum
Education Department of the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest produced an animated short
film for the museum education programme of the permanent exhibition “Our Art Nouveau in
the György Ráth Villa.” The aim of the animated short film, also entitled “A Thousand Faces
of Art Nouveau,” was to use digital technology to stimulate interest in Art Nouveau – from a
child's perspective, in the form of an inner dialogue. Focusing on the artworks in the
exhibition, the stop-motion short film explores the characteristics of turn-of-the-century art
and was shown to schoolchildren at the beginning of their museum education sessions on the
Art Nouveau period.



Photo credit: The Museum Education Department of the Museum of Applied Arts (left to right): Dóra Borsai, Melinda Péterfy, Julianna Joó and Zoltán Cselovszki. the Director of the Museum of Applied Arts.

The short film can be seen here
The animated short film is part of the international project
DTP3–748–2.2–ARTNOUVEAU2. The aim of the project is to commit to a responsible and
sustainable use of the cultural heritage of the Art Nouveau to strengthen the cultural identity
and stimulate the economic growth of the Danube Region.


Project cofunded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA II). The participation of the Hungarian party is cofunded by the Hungarian Government.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)