MELIA Observatory - Invitation Free Interactive Training Session on EU Project Development and EU Funds, 18 October 2022


Dear All,

In the new multiannual financial framework of the EU, several innovations and changes are introduced in the various programs. This results in partly changed and new modalities in the programs financing civil society in the European Union and the accession countries. To support your work and application efforts under the EU programs Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions and the Danube Civil Society Forum, in cooperation with the ALDA European Association for Local Democracy are inviting you to the Free Interactive Training Session on EU Project Development and EU Funds. The training will address EU member states and non-member States on 18 October 2022 from 14:45- 16:45 CET.

What can you expect from the training?

UP TO DATE information, changes, and novelties related to EU rules and procedures 2021-2027 (with a particular focus on the most relevant programs in the field of education, culture, employment, social sector, environment, sport, governance, cooperation, and research)
UP TO DATE information on funding opportunities for EU member states and non-member states of the EU

Are you interested to join us? Fill out this short registration form: REGISTRATION . Registration is needed, and the training is free of charge.The training will take place online. A follow-up email with relevant details (link and password) will be sent soon.

The session will be led by Khrystyna Kvartsiana  | European Association for Local Democracy, Italy. Participants can receive a certificate of attendance awarded by ALDA, a strategic partner of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

Please reach out to us with any further questions regarding the training program. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing you at the training.




Foster Europe, Foundation for strong European Regions

Schloss Esterházy

7000 Eisenstadt

Tel: +43.(0).664.965.82.44

Danube Civil Society Forum

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)