DANOVA - DANOVA deliverables at your disposal!


DANOVA project partners are proud to announce that some of the key deliverables realized throughout the implementation of “DANOVA – Innovative Transportation Services for Blind and Partially-Sighted Passengers in Danube Region” project are now available in sections Library and Gallery of the official DANOVA webpage.

Namely, under the section Library the Transnational Assessment Report, together with assessment methodology and the assessment grid are now at the disposal of the interested public, as well as those wanting to follow the example of our project partners representing transportation facilities all around Europe.

In addition, under the section Gallery there are two videos related to the assessment training which perfectly complement the assessment materials.

Another deliverable of immense importance also available in the Library section is the Catalogue of Existing Solutions, which figures a wide range of internationally implemented solutions that facilitate and support, but also guarantee the right of visually impaired persons to personal mobility and equal participation in the society.

Finally yet importantly, in the Gallery section there are four videos realized under the DANOVA project, in Croatian language with English subtitles, for training and awareness-raising purposes regarding the correct approach and communication with visually impaired persons.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)