
Still enjoying the summer break?
How about embarking on a Danube Region road trip inspired by our scientific partner PAKORA?

Following a sentimental journey in 2021 - meeting AGORA partners in person for the first time - PAKORA's Torsten Beck visited once again our AGORA Cities in 2022 to follow up on the progress of the pilots.

During this trip, Pakora stopped in Prague, Sofia, and Slavonski Brod to meet with city representatives and project officials.
Additionally, the road trip provided the opportunity to meet with other scientific partners like Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije's Barbara Mušič in Slavonski Brod for co-creation workshops together with territorial partners and stakeholders; and Eutropian's Bahanur Nasya and Jorge Mosquera for AGORA's communication and dissemination in Vienna



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)