WACOM - 2nd National workshops, July 2022


Within the WACOM project the 2nd national workshops were held on-line on July 7 for the experts from Slovenia, July 12 for the experts from Croatia and on July 14 for the experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. The aim of the national workshops was to present the implementation, comparison, and conclusions of the TTXs which were held in May 2022. At each national workshop more than 30 experts were present.

At the beginning, the project partners presented the scenarios of each TTX, i.e. accidental pollution because of derailment of the freight train in Zidani most (SI), grouting of the ship in Slavonski Brod (HR) and spilling of diesel oil from the pumping station in Zvornik (BA) and because of floods in the areas Sava, Una, Vrbas and Drina Rivers. The lead partner (University of Ljubljana) demonstrated the practical use of the WACOM tools (tool for improving the coordination of activated headquarters, tool for improving the situational awareness about the accidental event and tool for improving modelling of the accidental pollution propagation).

The participants took note on the comparison between the TTXs and on the hot-wash analysis which showed the importance to continue the learning process to improve the communication between the headquarters established in case of emergency events.

At the end, the online survey was provided where the interesting viewpoints were collected related to the usefulness of the WACOM tool and the necessity of more frequent organization of similar TTXs in the future. The participants also agreed that the tools developed through the WACOM project would enable better exchange of data and information if the accidental pollution or floods happened.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)