
SIMONA Standard Sediment Quality Sampling Kit: delivered to the Slovenian Environment Agency in Ljubljana, on the 29 June 2022, the INTERNATIONAL DANUBE DAY.

PARTICIPANTS: dr. Teja Čeru (Lead partner, GeoZS), dr. Gyozo Jordan (SIMONA Scientific Coordinator), dr. Zsófia Kovács (Water Quality Expert, SIMONA), Bela Kiss (SIMONA Reference Lab; Balint Analitika Ltd.), mag. Drago Groselj (Director of environmental measurement office, ARSO), dr. Sašo Petan (Head of Hydrological Analysis and Modelling Division, ARSO), mag. Florjana Ulaga, Matevž Piry, Maja Koprivšek (Hydrological Analysis and Modelling Division, ARSO), mag. Edita Sodja (Chemical Status of Waters Division, ARSO), mag. Roman Trček (Hydrometrics Division, ARSO).

Lead Partner expert presents the SIMONA project to the stakeholder experts (Teja Čeru, GeoZS) at the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO). 


Handing over the Certificate for the Sampling Kit delivery to the Slovenian Environment Agency (Teja Čeru, Gyozo Jordan, Drago Grošelj).


Photo of all participants (from the left to the right: Drago Grošelj, Roman Trček, Matevž Piry, Teja Čeru, Florjana Ulaga, Edita Sodja, Gyozo Jordan, Maja Koprivšek, Zsófia Kovács, Bela Kiss, Sašo Petan).


Photo of all participants (from the left to the right: Drago Grošelj, Roman Trček, Matevž Piry, Florjana Ulaga, Teja Čeru, Edita Sodja, Gyozo Jordan, Maja Koprivšek, Zsófia Kovács, Bela Kiss, Sašo Petan).


Danube Transnational Programme SIMONA Project Sediment Sampling Kit delivered on the DANUBE DAY!


Demonstration of the Sediment Sampling Kit and local and international experts discuss sediment monitoring methods and procedures


Closure of the event (Teja Čeru, Florjana Ulaga, Gyozo Jordan)


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)