
The “Danube Days” Festivals are organized all over the DANUrB+ project’s partners countries in the period between June 17 and July 10, respecting the Danube Day on June 29.  These events are one of the planned international and interregional networks and activities in the Danube Region, aiming to attract the attention of the general public and to strengthen/promote the cultural cooperation and collaboration between different stakeholders, thus building a common DANUrB Cultural Network.

Some of the events already happened, some are yet to come, but their diversity is worth paying attention to: 

  • Erdut, Croatia – June 17 - as part of the Danube Days, around 200 pupils from 4 schools (Zmajevac, Darda, Ilok, Dalj) in Erdut Croatia had an art workshop as a main event, where children painted some of the main cultural heritage along the 10 Danuban countries.  Paintings are 2 x 1,5m in size and they will be used in the future to decorate the local park next to the Dalj Primary School. There were also other sports and creative workshops in progress.
  • Moldova Noua, Romania – June 25-26 – there were planned trips with students and volunteers along the Danube Canyon and on the Ostrov Island. Visits to landmarks at the Danube area, having the students from high school as guides. Exhibitions of students' project on the Danube and of paintings from the Danube Art Camp will fulfill the program.
  • Dunaújváros, Hungary – July 02-03 - Dunaújváros has a special architectural heritage since the city was founded in the 50s'. During the Danube Days event series with a cultural festival organized with participatory methods, where citizens and local organizations will reflect on the identity of the city. This one-day festival will be a placemaking event as well, since the main street will be closed for one day to give space to pedestrians and approximately 20 outdoor cultural events, such as: concerts, playground, community brunch, lectures, exhibitions, and educational workshops.
  • Vidin, Bulgaria – July 02-03 - the “Danube Treasures” Festival will present various activities to its all visitors - folk music and dances performances, free sightseeing tour of the little-known historical and architectural sites in the city, open doors of museums and galleries, local dishes and wine tasting, presentation of traditional crafts, among more extreme activities as boating, ballooning, bungee jumping, and many more: https://www.facebook.com/events/390739822833650/?active_tab=about
  • Ráckeve-Szigetzug, Hungary – July 08-10 - for the 5th time the towns at Csepel island create a cultural festival to celebrate the Danube called “Danube Days at Szugetzug”. 4 towns Szigetbecse, Szigetszentmárton, Szigetújfalu, and Ráckeve join this movement, where each town organize cultural events such as drawing competitions, urban walks, playground for kids, concerts, interactive games related to hidden archeological heritage, market with local vendors, conferences and building camp with students. The towns created a chain of events from the 24th of June until the 10th of July.
  • Giurgiu, Romania – July 08-10 - Danube Days 2022 - this year's festival between 8th-10th July focuses on the historical site of Smarda in Giurgiu with a range of community organized and dedicated activities to celebrate the cultural, architectural, and natural heritage of the area. Through this we're turning Giurgiu into a town facing towards the Danube (#GiurgiuFacingTheDanube #SmardaHistoricalNeighbourhood). Part of the Danube Days 2022 will be the launch of the “Smarda Then & Now” exhibition exploring the history and today’s Smarda neighborhood in Giurgiu.

Check the nearest event next to you and join us in all our designed entertainment, attractions, and experiences, celebrating the local values and cultural heritage along the Danube! 


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)