
The world's great rivers are unique because they connect peoples and civilizations, encouraging communication and debate. They have inspired humanity since time immemorial. The Danube is one of these rivers, an important belt connecting Europe.

On June 23 the DANUrB+ project partner Nansen Dialogue Centre held a Regional Conference "Educational Potential of Danube Heritage" in Dalj and Vukovar, Croatia. It gathered around 50 participants from 3 countries - Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia, mainly teachers, educators, and other professionals related to the topics of heritage preservation through education. The first part of the conference was dedicated to presentations and good practice examples, creative approaches to learning and teaching these connected topics in kindergarten, primary, and secondary schools. The second part of the conference was devoted to a workshop session, where participants shared their suggestions for possible future curricula related to the Danube heritage. At the end of the program, participants had a presentation at Eltz Museum in Vukovar, where they understood about the educational program for schools. Parallel with this, a workshop was held about learning a new approach in the DANUrBanity board game for kids!

The main goal of the conference was to exchange good practices related to educational activities dedicated to preservation of the rich Danube heritage. The aim was to give space for networking and discussion between teachers and other educators for design, development, and implementation of teaching content through inter-disciplinary projects and activities in schools.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)