Transdanube Travel Stories - 1st TIKfest - Festival of Living History and Gastronomy, in Kopački rit Nature Park - TIKVEŠ


In the framework of the Transdanube Travel Stories project, in the area of the renovated Tikveš Castle complex, on May 7, 2022, DANUBEPARKS  organized the  1st TIKfest - Festival of Living History and Gastronomy, in Kopački rit Nature Park (Tikveš castle complex)
At the events, DANUBEPARKS colleagues tried to demonstrate to participants/guests how tour guides can avoid the so-called "wikipedia-on-two-legs" approach.During the TIKfest, Archduchess Isabela von Habsburg has guided us along her castles in Tikveš. We have fought with legionnaires from the Roman Legio VI Herculia, and later tried their "globos" and "conditum" paradoxum". We were also talking with local fishermen from the Baranja region and tried some of their favourite dishes. All of this, and much more, has put us closer to the Returning to the Last Danube story. More than 500 guests visited TIKfest.
It was an amazing event and you can see some highlights in this photo gallery. But next year you should find time to visit TIKfest and witness the innovative approach to tourism we are promoting during the project! 

In addition to the rich gastronomic offer of the festival, visitors can expect a free interpretive walk through the Tikveš castle complex led by Archduchess Von Habsburg (Nikolina Baškarad) as well as numerous other workshops and exhibitions related to the living history and Baranja gastronomy.



Following on the Facebook page the Returning to the Last Danube story  and DANUBEPARKS








Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)