Danube Cycle Plans - Inspiration event in Romania: Opportunities to invest in bicycle infrastructure


INCDT and Bike in Time organized the Stakeholders Inspiration Event as a workshop with the title: "Danube Cycle Plans project - opportunities to invest in bicycle infrastructure".

The event took place on April 19, 2022, online, through the Zoom platform and benefited from the presence of nine representatives from the county councils (mainly from the Danube area) and two representatives from the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (who are carrying out the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in Romania).

During this workshop, the situation of the bicycle tracks at the national level (developed within the Danube Cycle Plans project) was presented, as a future opportunity for the county councils to invest in the bicycle infrastructure using financial resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The current state of the normative acts in the field of cycling in Romania was also presented and debated.  At the same time, clarifications related to the bicycle infrastructure standards that will be developed within the Danube Cycle Plans project were presented, but also clarifications on how to develop investments in bicycle infrastructure (depending on the user and the implementation area).

During the workshop have been presented good practices and ideas for starting investments in cycling infrastructure in Romania and information on the first audit of bicycle use policies through the BYPAD Methodology, which can be a useful tool, for the regional and local levels.

The representative from the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (who was involved in the activities of finalizing the approval of the Government Decision related to the creation, marking and homologation of the cycling tourism routes, and in the establishing of the opportunities for financing the cycle routes through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan) expressed the Ministry of Development intention to coordinate and develop the National Cycling Route Network.

Regarding the feedback received from the county councils, they informed the organizers that they will send more updates for the National Cycling Route Network and they have asked concrete questions regarding the possibilities of accessing funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, in order to develop the future cycling infrastructure.





Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)