RESTART_4Danube - Steering Committee Meeting and Study visit in Hungary


We managed to meet again face to face in Szombathely, Hungary! Last week PBN hosted the first personal steering committee (SCOM) meeting together with a study visit which is connected with the Hungarian Local Action Plan.

In the SCOM on 14th June between 9:00 to 12:00, we discussed the status of the work packages and the upcoming activities for the last period of the project.

After the meeting we travelled together to Kőszeg for a study visit. The Mayor of Kőszeg welcomed all of us in front of the City Hall and told us some interesting facts about the history of Kőszeg.

The study visit was organized connected to the Hungarian LAP, LAP4 - Refurbishing heritage & historical buildings. As part of their first action, a mobile application will be developed in the city of Kőszeg. The aim of the application is to present how a heritage site can be rethought in Vas County. The application includes 5 historical buildings which were refurbished by iASK– Institut of Advanced Studies Kőszeg in the framework of the KRAFT program. During the study visit partners visited the places, which are included in the application, and they could also see one of the Augmented Reality (AR) elements, which are already done in the test version of the app.

On 15th June, partners participated to an interactive training session in PBN’s digital innovation hub – am-LAB. Firstly, PBN’s managing director – Balázs Barta – presented how they established am-LAB. After that, engineers at am-LAB held a training for the project partners in 4 topics:

- AR applications
- Creation of business animation with Computer-generated imagery (CGI) technology
- 3D printing
- Teaching & learning factory

Partners could see closely the technologies during operation, ask questions and share experiences.

The last part of the training was a visit to PBN’s new demonstration and test environment – at.home – in the field of healthcare.  More than 50 digital solutions are listed in the showroom. Partners got to see practical and modern solutions in a thematic and interactive way.

After the intensive training session most of the partners travelled home. It was a great pleasure to meet all the partners in person and exchange experiences.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)