CSSC LAB - CSSC Lab project partners meet in Stegersbach, Austria!


For the first time since the launch of the project, the CSSC Lab partners met in person in Stegersbach, Austria on the 14th and 15th of June 2022. This meeting was an opportunity for the project partnership to update each other on the main developments in the project and to strengthen the network through in-person contact.

The meeting began with an overview of the main points concerning project management including the upcoming mid-term conference, which will take place in Freiburg this September. After that, ALEA summarised the main findings regarding the Regional Action Plans such as the differences in priorities across the partner region. It also presented its concept for the Roadmap of the project, which is currently being developed.

Subsequently, Lake Constance Foundation introduced the two tools that it has been working on and asked for feedback. These tools should facilitate choosing the right CSSC technologies for different stakeholders. Both will be made available on the project’s platform to reach a maximum number of people.

After a coffee break, the capacity building and training programme of the project was discussed. Here some of the highlights of the past trainings were shared.  Subsequently, the participants went on a guided tour around the solar.one building, getting to see all the different CSSC solutions first hand.

These include:

  1. Li-Ion and saltwater batteries for storing electricity
  2. Thermal heat storages for storing heat
  3. A heat exchanger system/core activation for heating and cooling the building
  4. Equipment for mobile storage for charging electric vehicles

After that, the second train-the-trainer session took place. This is where ConPlusUltra presented two modules namely, M7: Economic assessment of practice examples and M8: Business models and financing solutions. The day ended with a joint dinner at a local restaurant serving Austrian specialities.

On the next day, the meeting began with an overview of the main achievements relating to the online platform in addition to the main to dos. In upcoming months, numerous sections will be added to ensure that as much information as possible will be made available online. After that, the different demo investments were presented, giving participants an opportunity to get an update on the implementation of the four centres. This was followed by a session on communications, which focused on the completion of the guidebook.

The meeting ended with a brief overview on the lessons learnt from the peer review and a wrap-up session where the main points of the meeting were summarised. One major conclusion of the meeting was that CSSC solutions will become even more relevant given the current geopolitical instability facing Europe. By combining sector coupling with storage technologies, the approach adopted in the project helps to increase the use of renewable energy in transport and buildings. This in turn, should reduce the dependence municipalities and other actors may have on non-domestically produced fossil fuels.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)