D-CARE - Transnational Smart Care Networking and Co-Creation event


D-CARE Partners cordially invite you to our transnational Smart Care Networking and Co-Creation Event on 21st of June from 9 to 12 am (CET).

Our Innovation Contest winners and finalists have worked together with health care stakeholders in all our project countries to further develop and refine their solutions. They will present their solutions and insights of the process in a first session. Join us to get to know more about smart absence detection bed lamps, foldable nursing home visitor hubs and relatable interaction tools for older adults with their loved ones.

The second session will offer the possiblity for you to network and exchange with our Smart Care innovators as well as health care stakeholders from all our eight project countries.

The event will be held online. The link will follow here soon. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)