Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes - Hungarian Mobility Action Week gives a taste of heritage tourism


While the partners of the Danube`s Archaeologica eLandscapes project, open their virtual rooms and exhibitions, the Hungarian Mobility Action Week gave a taste of heritage tourism and outlook for the 2023 Capital of Culture Veszprém-Balaton.
The Mobility Actions started in Budapest and took place in the Hungarian National Museum. The project partner coordinated small conferences for experts, as well as the Cultural Routes in the Danube Region and the Society for Archeology and Art History – Archeology and Visualization mini-conferences.

Also planned museum educational program with virtual reality for schoolchildren. Also organized the new routes, and new opportunities – cultural heritage tourism in Hungary, training school and workshops for university students.

These days, the Mobility Action Week is moving to Veszprém and welcoming the experts and brothers of the audience to the NEW ARRIVALS IN HISTORIC LANDSCAPES conference." As part of the mobility action week of our project Danube's Archaeological eLandscape, we invited the audience to attend the conference “Newcomers in Historical Landscapes, Archaeological Heritage Tourism and Intelligent Landscape Management in the 21st Century”.

Organized by: Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, European Capital of Culture 2023 Veszprém-Balaton and the Iron Age Danube Route Association Veszprém-Balaton 2023 Európa Kulturális Fővárosa Iron Age Danube route.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)