CINEMA - Newsletter No. 4 is out!


Welcome back to the latest news about the CINEMA project! In this fourth newsletter you'll learn a lot about our work: Our project is now already in its second half and we are working hard on realising our ideas and visions. All partner regions are now in the middle of implementing their pilot actions in order to revive empty floorspaces in city centers, to support retailers to attract new customers and to enhance creative industries by offering new contacts and infrastructures. Also, we had our second partner meeting in Kosice/ Slovakia, a policy workshop together with our friends from Restart_4Danube and we are already starting to plan our final conference in November. This newsletter offers not only news of the project but also gives some insights into the “R4D” project and an initiative by the German Goethe-Institut for the CCI worldwide.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)