SABRINA - Visit our booth at Velo-city Conference in Ljubljana


From 14 to 17 June 2022 Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, will host a world cycling summit Velo-city 2022. The SABRINA project will present its activities at the booth in the Exhibition area. Visit us and learn how safe cycling infrastructure is in Danube Area countries.

The Velo-city conference is the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF) annual flagship event, organized by the ECF together with selected host cities every year in a different city. Velo-city is the World Cycling Summit serving as a global platform for knowledge exchange and policy transfer. Since its first edition in 1980, it has played a valuable part in promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy means of transport for all. Every year, Velo-city brings together a growing number of more than 1400 participants from over 60 countries who are involved in the policy, promotion and provision for cycling, active mobility and sustainable urban development. The conference exhibition showcases the latest innovations for a better cycling experience in cities and beyond.

This year, Velo-city conference will take place in Ljubljana, which should be a host already in 2020, however, the event was cancelled due to Covid-19. This year, Ljubljana will greet the velo-citizens with the main theme “Cycling the Change”. As the organizers wrote on the official webpage, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and challenged our view of reality. Cycling plays a significant role in driving and maintaining this change beyond the crisis and in achieving our global climate goals. Cycling is the "wind of change” in urban development. It reveals itself in infrastructural re-design, the re-allocation of public space, the development of sharing concepts, ideas for building cities for people, innovative approaches in providing various forms of services to citizens, and in bringing people closer together – with the intention of adapting to a "new normal” and improving the quality of life.




The SABRINA project will present its activities and results at booth no. 7 in the Exhibition area during the whole duration of the Velo-city 2022. Besides, on Tuesday, 14 June 2022, we will have a presentation of our main activity – EuroVelo bicycle routes safety inspections – and one of the methodologies we have piloted in the project – CycleRAP – at the so-called Freewheel stage at 13:30. SABRINA representatives will also actively participate at two sessions:

  • Tuesday, 14 June 2022, from 14:30 to 15:30: session Safe cycling: from road markings to social safety will be moderated by Anja Soršak from the SABRINA lead partner European Institute of Road Assessment – EuroRAP.
  • Thursday, 16 June 2022, from 11:00 to 12:00: session Cycling tourism on the rise: using data for growth – Leonid Ljubotina from the SABRINA project partner University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, will present SABRINA’s activities and why data and results matter also in the field of more cycling tourism.

More info and the programme are available on the official webpage. To get in the mood, listen to the official anthem of the Velo-city 2022. See you in Ljubljana!


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)