ISTER - The second workshop organised by RAREI Belgrade on the ISTER project


On May 11, 2022, the workshop "Roman Route Heritage as an Enabler for Policy and Regulatory Framework" was successfully organized by RAREI Belgrade and ISTER project.

During the second workshop of the ISTER project, gathered representatives of municipalities, development agencies, cultural institutions, business and non-governmental sectors got acquainted with the goals of the ISTER project and its activities, and participated in discussions on strategic and regulatory frameworks in the field of cultural heritage, and gave useful suggestions that will contribute to the successful implementation of the ISTER project and hopefully better presentation and promotion of Roman cultural routes and Roman cultural heritage.

The international project ISTER aims to rediscover and restore the ancient network of Roman roads and settlements along the Danube region, as a key driver in the promotion of territorial development. ISTER promotes this Roman network of roads and settlements as an opportunity to strengthen the territorial competitiveness and sustainable growth of the Danube region through the creation of a new ISTER eco-cultural route.

#ister #cbworkshop #romanculturalheritage #romanroutes #viaister

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)