
World Bicycle Day is marked on 3rd June to acknowledge the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle, which has been in use for more than two centuries, and to recognize bicycling as a sustainable form of traveling that also ensures one's physical well-being. 

Each year, the World Bicycle Day encourages stakeholders to emphasize and advance the use of the bicycle as a means of fostering sustainable development, strengthening education, including physical education, for children and young people, promoting health, preventing disease, promoting tolerance, mutual understanding and respect, and facilitating social inclusion and a culture of peace.

Recently, the recognition for cycling is growing globally. For example, in March 2022, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution urging governments to integrate cycling into their transport systems to ensure sustainable development and reduce transport emissions. In COVID-19 times, people across the globe started to look to bicycling as socially distant transportation and recreation option. In the SABRINA project team, we are aware of the fact that the emerging role of bicycles serves as a critical reminder of the need to improve infrastructure, making it safer, forgiving, sustainable, and comfortable. Different studies show that people are more willing to use a bicycle if safe cycling infrastructure is available. 

Therefore, we are implementing different activities which are improving conditions for road bicycle infrastructure safety in the Danube region. To promote safe and healthy cycling as an alternative mode of transport and to raise awareness of the decision-makers in this regard, the SABRINA project partner Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) organized an event to celebrate World Bicycle Day. Together with the National Inspectorate for Public Security, they prepared Road Safety City within the Bike Fest: Streets for people. "Through interactive games, children could test their knowledge of the traffic rules, test their skills on road safety playgrounds and get trained in correct behavior in the traffic," said Virginia Mandalac from the ACM. Besides, on the SABRINA social media, we have prepared a short bicycle campaign, featuring interviews with people working in the mobility and transport field, with a focus on cycling, done at the end of 2021. Amongst other things, we have asked them what their first association to the word bicycle is. See the results HERE


Worldwide, this was the fifth edition of World Bicycle Day. For the first time, it was marked on June 3, 2018, when the United Nations adopted a resolution during the 72nd Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly. 

We wish you a Happy World Bicycle Day! Keep on biking and stay safe out there. 

Photos: Automobile Club of Moldova


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)