Danube Cycle Plans - June 3 is World Bicycle Day, declared by UNESCO


World Bicycle Day draws attention to the benefits of using the bicycle — a simple, affordable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation. The bicycle contributes to cleaner air and less congestion and makes education, health care and other social services more accessible to the most vulnerable populations. A sustainable transport system that promotes economic growth, reduces inequalities while bolstering the fight against climate change is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

To recall the importance of coordinating cycling support at European, national and local levels, we have asked a number of questions to personalities representing important European institutions. On this day, the campaign is running on social networks in nine member countries that have participated in World Cycling Day. Organizations involved in the international European project Danube Cycle Plans publish the following posts in a coordinated manner with links to interviews. In this way, the project wants to contribute to raising awareness of the bicycle, which is simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation.


More about the World Bicycle Day at United Nations´webpage




  Interview with Thiago Herick de Sa, a Technical Officer in the Department of Environment, ClimateChange and Health at the World Health Organization (WHO): 


  Interview with Jill Warren, CEO of European Cyclists' Federation


  Interview with Gregor Steklačič, a national cycling coordinator from the Slovenian Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo


  Interview with Monika Sattler, diversity consultant, cycling record holder, TEDx speaker, author and women in cycling ambassador


  Interview with Matthew Baldwin, a deputy Director-General in European Commission’s Mobility and Transport Directorate-General


  Interview with Maria José Rojo, ex-Coordinator for Active Travel and Health at POLIS: 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)