Danube Hazard m3c - Transnational trainings on hazardous substances emission modelling and scenario evaluation



Dear colleagues,

the Interreg Danube Hazard m3c project’s team would like to cordially invite you to the Transnational Training on hazardous substances emission modelling and scenario evaluation, which will take place in October 2022.

 When and where?

We offer the same training (same programme, mostly same trainers, in English) in three different locations, to allow international participants to join it in the most convenient place:

Vienna – 4.10.2022 – 5.10.2022
Budapest – 6.10.2022 – 7.10.2022
Bucharest – 13.10.2022 – 14.10.2022

What can you expect to learn?

  • The goals, scope and main types of emission modelling at catchment scale
  • What MoRE (pathway oriented approach) and DHSM (source oriented approach, based on EU SOLUTIONS model) models can deliver (and cannot deliver), at which spatial and temporal scale and how they can support river basin management
  • Which data and data processing steps are required for both models
  • Which basic principles, approaches and assumptions are behind the calculations
  • What is needed to apply them (technical requirements, how to acquire further specific know-how)
  • How can scenarios be developed and properly interpreted

To provide a better insight, we will also offer some hands-on sessions, but no programming skills are essential to join the training.

More details on the programme are available in the preliminary agenda.

Is there a registration fee?

No, the trainings are funded by the Interreg project and therefore participation, including catering and learning material, is free of charge. However, travelling and accommodation expenses have to be paid by the participants.

Training mode

The trainings are planned as events fully in presence. If Covid-related restrictions will require it, the trainings will be changed into hybrid or online mode.


The places in each training are limited.

Please express your interest in participating using the following link: forms.office.com/r/uxWzAX47mm before 30th of August 2022. 

Due to the need to accommodate all participants to the limited number of spots in each location, we would like to ask you to indicate, beside your preferable location, also the alternative location(s), which you are able and willing to travel to, shall insufficient free places be available at your first choice location.

The registration will therefore have to be confirmed by us per email.

Shall you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us using the following e-mail address: danubehazard@tuwien.ac.at

 With best regards,

 the DH m3c team 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)