ISTER - Third local capacity building workshop in the Danube city of Vidin, Bulgaria


On May 19, the Bulgaria Economic Forum held its third local capacity building workshop as a part of the ISTER project with representatives of local community stakeholders from the Vidin region. The ISTER project and its results were introduced to the 20 participants. The event was attended by representatives of the ISTER Associated Partner (Vidin Regional History Museum), Vidin District Administration, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, representatives of SMEs, tourist associations, local community centres, NGOs, media, etc.

The third local capacity building workshop was focused on promotion and transnational dialogue around the newly formed Roman Cultural Route and on how to capitalise on the valuable assets in the future in an integrated way. The workshop was an opportunity for a debate regarding medium and long-term strategies for enhancing the collaboration at the international level and joining forces to raise the route's visibility and usage.

During the seminar, BEF handed over to the Regional administration Vidin the statuette and the certificate as a winner in Category 3 - Sustainable use and Development of Roman Heritage, in the international competition for good practices ISTER IBP Awards, whose actual ceremony took place on February 23, 2022, in the German city of Aalen.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)