Danube Cycle Plans - Hungarian mayors for better cycling conditions


On the 12th of May, a pilot stakeholder inspiration event was introduced in Hungary. The goal was to raise awareness of cycling at mayors as in the local level their role is crucial in the promotion of cycling. In the city of Székesfehérvár 16 mayors were present (from the neighbourhoods) to have a workshop on the topic of cycling in urban areas. The event was called “Settlements in two wheels” and was the first conference in Hungary that targeted mayors in this topic.

Photo: KTI

The opening speech was held by Máriusz Révész the Governmental Commissioner for active Hungary, than three cities (Budapest, Szeged and Békéscsaba) spoke about their commitment in different aspects (strategy, communication and bringing home experiences from study tours in Denmark and Sweden). After a coffee break, the focus turned onto local-regional networks (and the connection between commuting and recreation), transport safety, misbelieves about cycling, education and mobility solutions around schools – these topics were presented by professionals. At the end of the before noon programme there were a half-an-hour long block for the questions of the mayors.

Photo: KTI


Unfortunately, many of the mayors could not stay with the staff for the cycle tour but the success of the programme was absolutely clear for everybody - Máriusz Révész was committed to extend this pilot and to reach more mayors with the messages of this workshop.


The mayors stated these quotes in the anonym feedbacks:

“This event was extremely useful: gave me a lot of essential information that are help not only for mayors’ everyday tasks but for forming the future of our society in the right way.”

“In Hungary we should change the attitudes about cycling mainly because of health issues (but the economic advantages are also significant). This event gave me a reinforcement for the further work.”

“This conference helped to imagine an urban environment that is built for human beings and for cars.”

“This event increased my commitment and sensitivity towards cycling.”


The programme was organised by our Hungarian partner of the Danube Cycle Plans project, KTI (Institute for Transport Sciences), supported by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, the Development Centre for Active and Ecotourism and the Hungarian Society for Road and Rail Affairs.

Text & photo: KTI (Institute for Transport Sciences)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)