RESTART_4Danube - Craiova, Romania: LAP - New spaces for experimentation, innovation and entrepreneurship in CCI sector


New spaces for experimentation, innovation and entrepreneurship in CCI sector, in Craiova, Romania

The Romanian LAP will support the Regional Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS3) priorities on the development of regional cultural & creative industries. The Local Municipal Council of Craiova and IPA Craiova cooperated with the cross-border centre for supporting creative industries in their town and the partners involved in the CreatWin project, thus integrating a cross-border dimension (Romania, Bulgaria).

The LAP has the goal of supporting physical and economic regeneration of urban areas and thereby focuses on physical infrastructure and regeneration of places.

The evolution of the project is running as planned. The Local Administration approved all the actions and the Regional Operational Plan is financing them.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)