Living Danube Limes - Virtual Reality Reconstructions


The aim of the VR reconstructions developed in Living Danube Limes is


to increase the touristic attractivity of all eight project pilot sites by presenting additional visual information layer, which is not currently visible in-situ and showing another view on the discovered remains.


Five pilot sites: Iža – Slovakia, Matrica – Hungary, Kopačevo – Croatia, Bononia – Bulgaria and Sacidava – Romania were detailly geophysically prospected by Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology. These sites are 3D modelled from 3D scanned point clouds. Two sites Gunzenhausen – Germany and Lederata – Serbia were 3D modelled by Slovak University of Technology from the sent 2D visual materials as CAD drawings, terrain images, sketches, and graphics.


Two first rendered panoramas for Gunzenhausen and Lederata can already be viewed in a test version of the web interface:





Photo: Perspective from VR reconstruction of Gunzenhausen in Germany, Source: Slovak University of Technology



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)