DANUrB+ - Educational Workshop for Kids in Calafat, Romania - 12.05.2022


The National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism (INCDT), Romania organized a workshop for 5th graders from the Independenta Theoretical Highschool at Calafat Municipality.

The main goal of the workshop was presenting the values included in the Danube intercultural and local heritage in a friendly and understandable way, with the role of ensuring the prosperity of future generations and raising awareness of local heritage.

The class was divided in 4 small groups and each member had the opportunity to create content about one value that they identified as important for themselves, but also for the Danube Region they selected (any of the 9 countries or clusters of countries). The content was then compiled like a heraldry, represented by each small figures, or alternatively, teams could work together to paint of design one relevant blazon and include all the team’s values.

After a short summary of the tasks and activities to be undertaken, Mrs. Melania Coman left the pupils to ponder, search with their eyes, and use their intelligence to discover the local values. The INCDT team supported the working groups with clarifying questions/answers and hints.

The workshop had a 60-minute duration: 10 minutes for clarifying the tasks, 30 minutes for brainstorming and teamwork and 20 minutes for group presentations and final discussions. The groups had the opportunity to present their work and feedback was offered to all the participants. This activity was important for each member because they exercised the “how to do” method, while at the same time having an interesting, catchy, and competitive experience.

The feedback from their teacher was related to “how to develop new methods”, to involve kids to learn about and to present their heritage.

The same high school, Paint Center took part in the “TurnirulArtelor” (the Arts Tournament) contest organized by Marincu Art Museum with the support of the Head of the Museum, Mr. Dan Vana. The contest’s main theme was: “My Town: Representative Buildings from Calafat”. All the paintings and photographs were exposed at the museum. The celebration of the contest was organized on 13.05.2022 at Marincu Art Museum.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)